Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day?

I've been going to school sporadically for the past two weeks due to hurricanes messing up the schedule and holidays also interfering with the schedule. (Not complaining about that one. Breaks are nice.) It feels like there should have been more than four total days of school so far. Alas, that is the sum of the times I've been there. Crazy. I dub tomorrow the "Official First Day of College." Seriously, I've only been to my Gender/Race/Media class twice because it's on a Monday Wednesday schedule. School started on a Wednesday, so that's one, and then the next Monday is two, and then the hurricane hits so no class that Wednesday, and finally we get Monday off for Labor Day. So tomorrow will be my third meeting.

Things are all weird. Did school really start? Sure doesn't feel like it.

I need to study grammar. I feel inadequate. Journalism/writing is making me question my sanity. Or it's making me insane. Whichever. I knew it would be difficult going in. I just need to completely focus on what I'm doing and I'll be in the groove in no time.

A note to all impending weather: please to not disrupt classes. It's stressing me out.

I'm caught up in all my classes even though I've only been there for four days! Yay!
I have to go study now.
Double yay.
Until next time.

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